The notion of “youth” in the modern world is notably complex and nuanced, reflecting a blend of social, cultural, and economic factors that transcend a simple classification by age. This ambiguity highlights how youth, a concept traditionally linked to the transition from adolescence to early adulthood, has evolved into a more inclusive and fluid definition. In the past, young people were considered to be those individuals navigating the phase of life between the ages of 15 and 30. However, today’s reality presents a different picture, where globalization, technology, and socioeconomic changes have extended and complicated this transition, blurring the boundaries between youth and adulthood.
In contemporary society, being young can mean prolonged economic dependence on parents, unequal access to higher education and the labor market, and a diversity of life trajectories that challenge standard definitions. Additionally, cultural perceptions and social norms vary widely, influencing what is considered youth in different contexts. This diverse landscape presents significant challenges for the design of public policies and programs aimed at young people, demanding a more holistic approach that recognizes the rich variety of their experiences and needs. Understanding and addressing the complexity of youth in the current era is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and adaptive society.